![Root Chakra Toolbox](http://moonbeamwisdom.com/cdn/shop/articles/1.png?v=1663104517&width=1100)
Root Chakra Toolbox
Most literature will tell you that ways to heal your root chakra are through yoga and meditation. I will not disagree with this information. These methods are usually the very first thing I would recommend for someone to try to do. We learned in my previous post that pranic energy moves through the body. This energy is your breath. Meditation and yoga are the most suggested healing methods because these practices connect you to your breath. Meditation also looks very different to different people. Likewise, yoga looks different to other people. However, the perspective is the same. We will discuss these methods soon, but try to consider yoga what it is, an exercise for your mind, not your body. Yoga asanas, are beneficial when trying to open, balance, align and awaken your chakras. Check out these three that are perfect for beginners.
Three Root Chakra Asanas are:
Balasana (Child's Pose) To enter this post, start kneeling on your mat. With your knees touching each other along with your toes touching your toes. Sit up nice and tall, elongating your spine, rolling your shoulders back and down, and opening your heart chakra. Focus on your breath, inhale your arms up over your head, exhale and bend forward at the waist. Place your arms in front of you and your forehead and chest on your mat if you can. You can reach your arms behind your bottom if you would like, grabbing ahold of your heels. If you find that your buttock is not in contact with your heels, you can elongate your arms out in front of you, placing your hands on the mat and using your arms for leverage as you push your bottom back towards your heels. You can keep your arms active and engaged and feel a nice deep stretch moving down your shoulders and upper back. Remain in this asana for at least five breaths or longer for the best benefits. With each exhale, find your body lying deeper and deeper into your mat. Focus on your breath and relax.
Virbandasana II (Warrior 2) to enter this pose, stand at the top of your mat in tadasana, toes together, heels together. Focusing on your breath, take a giant step back with your right foot. The heel of your front foot should have an imaginary string attached to the inside arch of your back foot. Allow the feet to be placed perpendicular to each other, meaning the toes of your front foot face forward, toes on the rear foot face outward Hips are facing outward, the same direction as the toes on your back foot. Focus on your breath, rolling your shoulders back and down, opening your heart, bringing the arms parallel to your shoulders, exhaling, bending your forward knee, and coming into a 90-degree angle with the lower leg and thigh. Try not to allow the knee to overshoot the toes. Allow your pelvic floor to pull towards the mat in a grounding fashion. Remain in this asana for at least five breaths for best benefits and repeat on the other leg.
Sukasana (Easy Pose) is a seated asana most of us have done at least once in our life. It is known to grade-schoolers now as Criss Cross Applesauce. Both knees bend on the ground, bringing our thighs to rest on each foot. Once you are in this asana, receive the most grounding benefits by lifting up each buttock and pulling the meat to the side, this will ensure that your root is grounded securely to the Earth and a connection is present.
Pranayama is crucial when focusing your healing on energy work. Prana in Sanskrit means light force energy, the breath. Ayama means to control or expand. Pranayama is the drive that moves the prana throughout the body.
One of my favorites I make sure to practice with the Full and New Moon phases is Chandra Bhedi Pranayama, also known as Left Nostril Breathing.
To practice this pranayama, ground yourself in a comfortable Sukasana (Easy Pose). Using your right hand, place the index finger and middle finger on the third eye (middle of the forehead, on the brow line). Thumb rests on the outside of the right nostril. The ring finger rests outside the left nostril, and the pinky hangs out. Gently close your eyes and focus on your breath, bringing your attention to your third eye. Using your thumb, close the right nostril, inhaling only through the left nostril. Pause for a moment. Using your ring finger, close the left nostril and exhale through the right. Pause for a moment and repeat, closing the right nostril to inhale. The air should only ENTER the LEFT nostril, and the air should only EXIT the RIGHT nostril. Continue with this breathing method for at least 5 breaths (inhale and exhale count as one breath).
Inhale finger placement options
Exhale finger placement options
The left side of the body is the feminine side, so as we practice this pranayama technique, you can activate the Divine Feminine Energy within you. This is also an excellent practice for someone who has high blood pressure. It has been shown to reduce tension and worry, making the body feel light, pleasant, and attractive.
Essential Oils can be helpful by activating our other senses helping to release pranic blockages using your breath. One of my most famous essential oil blends is for the root chakra. Allow me to share this recipe with you. Apply this blend to the soles of the feet or the inside wrists. You can apply these essential oil blends to jewelry containing lava beads, such as my 108 lava bead Mala Meditation necklaces. The oils infuse your space, offering additional healing throughout your meditations or other healing areas.
Grounding is essential when working the root chakra. The root chakra element is Earth, so being able to place our feet in grass or dirt or if you live where I live, challenge yourself with the rock-filled desert grounding. Try to imagine yourself deeply connected and one with the Earth. Feel your sense of spaciness diminish. Crystals can be beneficial to aid the healing of the root chakra, such as hematite, red jasper, garnet, and black tourmaline. In addition to these crystals having mighty grounding powers, they all hold many other metaphysical healing properties. Check out the entire Root Chakra Crystal Collection on my website.
Mantras are also helpful and often used in meditation and yoga practices. The mantra sound for the root chakra is LAM. You can add it to your medication easily. Grab a hole of your meditation mala, beginning at the guru bead (large stone near the tassel), focus on your breath, and imagine your root connected to the Earth, your roots spreading out nice and wide. Take a nice deep inhale, exhaling L-A-M. Hold the whole sound for the entire duration of your exhalation. Next, you can move your fingers up to the first bead in your mala. Repeat this 108 times completely around your necklace. When you reach the guru bead, give thanks and gratitude. Lam isn't the only thing you could use in mantra healing to aid the root chakra. You can also chant affirmations. A great affirmation that resonates well with the root chakra is "I AM...". complete the sentence with a positive annotation. This can become very powerful and a great way to start your day. You can find mala necklaces and other Root Chakra tools in my shop.
FOOD! You can also find a lot of chakra healing in foods. Think about the color red. Foods that are rich in the color red. I am sure me saying to "eat the rainbow" wouldn't be the first time you heard that saying. Root Veggies are a great start. Beets are probably the Root Chakras' best friend. I usually lean towards berries, like strawberries or raspberries. Watermelon is perfect for the summer months also. The idea is that we are eating strong and healthy foods grown from the Earth, with the intention that they are healing our bodies from within that their healing energy is traveling through our bodies, loving and nourishing our root chakras.
I hope all this information is helpful and that you find what resonates and works best for you as you walk your healing journey.
1 comment
Thank you. This is very helpful. Appreciate you as always my friend!!! 🙏🙏🙏