Goddess Gatherings

Our Goddess Moon Medicine Gatherings offer a sacred space to connect with your inner feminine energy and explore the healing power of plant medicines. As we gather on the New and Full Moons, we align with the unique energies of each phase, deepening our connection to the natural rhythms of the moon and our own cycles. Each gathering blends plant medicine exploration, oracle card readings, movement, and Reiki, all designed to nurture feminine embodiment and empowerment.

Each gathering is carefully attuned to the moon’s phase and the healing properties of plant medicines, providing a supportive environment for personal growth. Whether setting intentions under the New Moon or embracing release and embodiment under the Full Moon, you’ll leave feeling aligned with your purpose and empowered by the wisdom of plant medicine, supported by the flow of Reiki energy.

A Sacred Space to Embody Your Feminine Energy Under the Moon

Each gathering is uniquely attuned to the moon’s current phase and the healing properties of plant medicines, offering a supportive environment for you to explore your inner rhythms and divine feminine power. Whether we are setting intentions under the New Moon or releasing and embodying our fullest selves under the Full Moon, you will leave feeling aligned with your purpose, empowered by the wisdom of plant medicine, and supported by the flow of Reiki energy.

What to Expect:

Opening Ceremony

Intention Setting: We begin by setting personal and collective intentions, attuning to the current moon phase. The New Moon calls in empowerment and new beginnings, while the Full Moon invites reflection, release, and embodiment. With Reiki energy flowing through the space, these intentions are supported on an energetic level, amplifying their power.

Sacred Circle: We gather in a circle around an altar or candle, creating a unified space to honor the moon’s energy and welcome the healing of plant medicines.

Movement Practices

Intuitive Dance or Gentle Yoga: As we embrace the moon’s energy, we invite the body to move in alignment with it. The New Moon calls for grounding, restorative movements, while the Full Moon inspires more expansive, heart-opening motions. These practices include gentle yoga flows or free-form dance, helping to release tension, open energy channels, and connect with the divine feminine within.

Oracle Card Guidance

Oracle Card Pulls: Oracle cards are used to tap into the wisdom of the moon and receive intuitive guidance. Each participant pulls their own card or shares in a collective reading. These cards provide insights aligned with the moon’s phase and help participants focus their personal journey in the gathering.

Group Reflections: After the oracle readings, participants are invited to share how the messages resonate with them, creating an environment of mutual support and spiritual growth.

Plant Medicine Exploration

Exploring Plant Medicines: The heart of each Goddess Gathering involves plant medicine exploration. You’ll be introduced to different plant medicines—such as Blue Lotus, Cacao, or other sacred herbs—chosen for their connection to feminine energy and healing properties. These plant allies help deepen our connection to the earth and our intuition, supporting emotional release, spiritual clarity, and energetic alignment.

For the New Moon, we explore plant medicines that support renewal, empowerment, and the setting of new intentions.

For the Full Moon, we focus on plant medicines that aid in release, integration, and embodiment of our fullest selves.

Rituals & Reiki

Moon Rituals: We create simple yet meaningful rituals, aligning with the energy of the moon’s current phase. These might include lighting candles for new beginnings, writing intentions, or engaging in release ceremonies such as burning away what no longer serves us during the Full Moon.

Reiki-Infused Healing: Throughout the gathering, Reiki energy flows into the space, amplifying the intentions set and supporting healing on a deeper level. Participants are encouraged to receive Reiki energy as they engage in the rituals, movement, and plant medicine exploration.

Sharing & Connection

Heart-Centered Conversations: The gathering provides space for sharing personal experiences and insights. In these heart-centered discussions, we reflect on how the plant medicines, oracle readings, and moon energies are influencing our lives, fostering a supportive and empowering community of women.

Collective Empowerment: Each gathering creates an opportunity for collective healing and empowerment, amplifying the transformation of each individual through the energy of the group.

Closing Ceremony

Gratitude & Grounding: We close the gathering with a gratitude practice, thanking the plant medicines, the moon, and the collective energy of the group. Gentle breathwork, grounding techniques, or Reiki-infused movement help to integrate the experience and leave participants feeling empowered and centered as they transition back into daily life.

Come Prepared

  • Moon Medicine Ritual Box – Have all the ingredients needed to create your own Moon Magic.
  • Journal and Pen – For reflecting on intentions, insights, or emotions during the gathering.
  • Comfortable Clothing – Wear something you can move and relax in during yoga, dance, or meditation. Feel free to coordinate clothes in shades of pinks and reds. 
  • Yoga Mat or Blanket – For any movement, meditation, or grounding exercises.
  • Cushion or Pillow – For comfortable seating during meditation or sharing circles.Cushion or Pillow – For comfortable seating during meditation or sharing circles.
  • Water Bottle – To stay hydrated, especially if there are movement practices.
  • Sacred Objects – Crystals, talismans, or personal items to place on the altar or keep with them for grounding and connection.
  • An Open Heart and Mind – Remind them to bring their intentions for connecting with the moon energy and their divine feminine essence.

Explore the moons on the Horizon

The Full Moon in Cancer

Monday January 13th at 6:30 PM (MST-Arizona) streaming from My Sacred Space in Lake Havasu City.

Full Moon in Cancer: is a time of heightened emotions and deep intuitive insights. Cancer, ruled by the moon, is associated with home, family, and our innermost feelings. This full moon brings a nurturing and protective energy, encouraging us to connect with our loved ones and attend to our emotional well-being. It is an ideal time for self-care, reflection, and addressing any unresolved feelings. The energy of the Cancer full moon supports healing, compassion, and creating a safe, comforting environment both for ourselves and those around us.

Honoring the Element of Water

Full Moon Ritual Box Orders due by 12/30

The New Moon in Aquarius

Wednesday January 29th at 6:30 PM (MST-Arizona) streaming from My Sacred Space in Lake Havasu City.

New Moon in Aquarius: ushers in a time of bold innovation and visionary thinking, making it a potent phase for empowering the divine feminine. Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is known for its progressive and forward-thinking nature, encourages us to break free from conventional limitations and explore new horizons. This New Moon invites us to harness our creative potential, build supportive communities, and foster meaningful connections. It’s a prime opportunity to challenge the status quo, unlock new possibilities, and embrace our unique strengths. The energy of this New Moon empowers us to lead with authenticity, embrace our individuality, and inspire change.

Honoring the Element of Air

Full Moon Ritual Box Orders due by 1/13

Meet Bonni Sue

Bonni Sue began holding Goddess Gatherings after returning from India, where she deepened her studies in yoga and meditation. These gatherings have evolved, but their purpose remains the same: to create a sacred space for women to gather, share, and heal together. Bonni Sue also co-created the 1000 Goddesses Labyrinth in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, in 2021, aiming to elevate Divine Feminine Energy and foster global compassion.

As a certified Women’s Circle Facilitator, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Sound Therapy, and Usui, Tibetan, Seichem, and Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher, Bonni Sue brings nearly a decade of experience in holding healing spaces. Her intuitive guidance and passion for nurturing collective growth are at the heart of every gathering she leads.

Learn more about Bonni Sue