Fire Medicines
What is Rapé?
Rapé (pronounced rah-peh) is a traditional snuff used by various indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin, particularly in Brazil and Peru. It is a finely ground powder made from a blend of sacred, medicinal plants, and tobacco, specifically the mapacho tobacco (Nicotiana rustica), which is much stronger than the common tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) found in cigarettes.
The primary ingredient in Rapé is mapacho tobacco. Other common ingredients include: Tree ashes, often from specific trees known for their medicinal properties. Herbs, various medicinal and aromatic herbs that vary by tribe and intended use. Along with Seeds, such as those from the Anadenanthera colubrina tree, which contain psychoactive compounds.
The ingredients are dried, finely ground into a powder, and sometimes mixed with a liquid to form a paste before drying again.
For many Amazonian tribes, Rapé is more than just a substance; it is a sacred tool used for facilitates communication with the spirit world. It is also used by shamans to diagnose and treat ailments. It serves as an integral part of tribal customs and cultural identity
What are the benefits?
Rapé can effectively clear nasal passages, reducing congestion and helping with conditions like sinusitis. By clearing the nasal passages, it can improve breathing and oxygen intake.
Some users report a detoxifying effect, helping to expel mucus and other toxins from the body. Users often report a heightened sense of mental clarity and sharper focus, which can aid in tasks requiring concentration. The nicotine content in Rapé acts as a stimulant, promoting wakefulness and alertness.
Rapé can help release pent-up emotions, providing a sense of emotional catharsis and relief. The ritualistic use of Rapé can be calming and grounding, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
Rapé is often used in spiritual practices to deepen meditation and aid in achieving a meditative state. It is believed to open pathways to the spiritual realm, facilitating communication with spirits and ancestors.
Many users feel more connected to the earth and their surroundings, aiding in grounding practices. Rapé is said to align the chakras and energy centers in the body, promoting overall spiritual harmony.
The benefits can vary greatly depending on the individual's physical and psychological state, as well as their intention and context of use. Proper administration by someone experienced is crucial to achieve the desired benefits and minimize any adverse effects.
Serving the medicine
Rapé is typically administered through a special blowing technique using a pipe, either by self-administration or with the help of another person.
A pipe called a tepi (when administered by another person) or kuripe (when self-administered).
The user or practitioner selects the appropriate Rapé blend based on their intention, preference, or the specific medicinal properties they seek.
The Rapé powder is carefully measured out in the palm of the hand (usually left).
The user typically sits or stands in a comfortable position, often in a ceremonial or ritualistic setting. Before administration, it is common for the user and/or practitioner to set intentions for the Rapé session. This may involve silent reflection, prayer, or verbal communication of intentions.
If receiving assistance, the practitioner may sit opposite the user or to their side, ready to administer the Rapé. The dose is then split into two, blowing forcefully through the pipe, delivering the Rapé powder into the nostril. The process is repeated for the other nostril, ensuring both nostrils receive an equal dose of Rapé.
The intention-setting process in Rapé ceremonies often involves a symbolic approach, where each nostril is associated with a particular intention or aspect of the individual's journey. This symbolic interpretation varies among different indigenous traditions and practitioners.
I look at the left nostril being associated with the release of negative energies, old patterns, or emotions that no longer serve the individual. Blowing Rapé into the left nostril is seen as a symbolic act of letting go, allowing space for transformation and renewal. It represents the process of shedding the old, making way for new beginnings, and creating space for growth.
The right nostril is often associated with the reception of new energies, intentions, or blessings. Blowing Rapé into the right nostril symbolizes the infusion of positive intentions, aspirations, or healing energies. It represents the process of calling in what is desired, manifesting intentions, and bringing about positive change.
Before Working with Rapé
Participants in a Rapé ceremony typically take a moment to center themselves and connect with their intentions. They may reflect on areas of their lives where they seek healing, clarity, or transformation. Intentions can be expressed silently, through prayer, or verbally shared with the group or practitioner.
Cultivating an open and receptive emotional state, allowing for the release of any pent-up emotions or blockages.
As Rapé is blown into each nostril, the individual may focus their awareness on the symbolic significance of the left and right nostrils.
For the left nostril, they may visualize releasing old patterns, fears, or emotional baggage, allowing these energies to dissolve and dissipate.
For the right nostril, they may visualize calling in positive qualities, intentions, or blessings, inviting these energies to take root and manifest in their lives.
While working with Rapé
Upon inhaling Rapé through the nostrils, individuals often experience a burning or tingling sensation in the nasal passages.
Rapé has a powerful decongestant effect, clearing the sinuses and enhancing breathing. Some individuals may experience the expulsion of mucus or phlegm from the respiratory system, so having a purge bucket nearby is helpful. In some cases, individuals may experience vomiting or purging as the body releases toxins and negative energies.
Rapé can induce a state of heightened awareness and clarity, allowing individuals to become more present and focused. The medicine may facilitate the release of pent-up emotions, leading to emotional catharsis and a sense of lightness. Despite the initial intensity, Rapé often induces a state of calmness and relaxation in the mind and body.
After working with Rapé
After the initial effects of Rapé subside, individuals typically enter a period of integration, where they reflect on their experiences and insights gained during the ceremony. The ceremony may conclude with a closing ritual or prayer to honor the journey and express gratitude for the healing received.
Some individuals may choose to journal about their experiences, recording their thoughts, feelings, and any significant realizations.
Private Rapé Ceremony
$125 USD
Non refundable deposit of $50 USD is due when booking your ceremony. This deposit will go towards your ceremony.
Includes, 1-2 hours of space holding and guardianship, sacred medicines; Rapé, reiki, and water.
Group Rapé Ceremony
Group spaces are held usually once per month.
Includes, 1-2 hours of space holding and guardianship, sacred medicines; Rapé, reiki, and water.
What is Sananga?
Sananga is a traditional Amazonian medicine made from the roots and bark of specific plants, primarily species of the Tabernaemontana genus, native to the Amazon rainforest. It is prepared by soaking the plant material in water to extract its medicinal properties, resulting in a potent eye drop solution.
Sananga is believed to have been discovered and developed by indigenous shamans and healers who observed the medicinal properties of specific plants in the Amazon rainforest. Among indigenous tribes such as the Matsés, Huni Kuin (Kaxinawá), Yawanawá, and Katukina, Sananga holds great cultural and spiritual significance, often being used in healing rituals, ceremonies, and shamanic practices. Indigenous hunters and trackers, valued Sananga for its purported ability to improve visual acuity and perception, enhancing their ability to navigate the forest and spot prey.
What are the benefits?
Sananga is believed to have purifying and cleansing effects on the eyes and the body. It can induce a strong stinging or burning sensation upon application, followed by a feeling of clarity and alertness. It is also employed as a purifying agent for the eyes and the body, believed to clear energetic blockages and promote spiritual balance and harmony.
Sananga is used in traditional Amazonian medicine to clear energetic blockages and promote balance within the body. Some users report experiencing enhanced spiritual awareness, intuition, and visionary experiences after using Sananga.
Sananga is believed to improve visual acuity and perception, making it popular among indigenous tribes for hunting and tracking. It is also used to alleviate headaches, eye strain, and other ocular discomforts.
Serving the medicine
Sananga is traditionally served as eye drops, administered directly into the eyes. If you wear contact lenses, remove these before working with Sananga.
The individual receiving the Sananga may be seated or lying down in a comfortable position. They may be instructed to close their eyes and relax before the application.
After the drops are administered, the recipient may be instructed to keep their eyes closed for a few moments to allow the medicine to take effect.
Some practitioners may suggest gentle eye movements or blinking to help distribute the Sananga across the surface of the eye.
Working with Sananga
Sananga is a potent medicine that can cause intense stinging or burning sensations upon application.
After the Sananga has been administered, the recipient may experience a stinging or burning sensation in the eyes, which typically subsides after a few minutes.
Some practitioners may recommend using a clean cloth or tissue to gently dab away any excess liquid from around the eyes.
The eyes may water profusely as a natural response to the stinging sensation, helping to flush out the medicine and any impurities.
After the initial discomfort subsides, some individuals report feeling a heightened sense of clarity, focus, and alertness. The eyes may feel refreshed, rejuvenated, or cleansed after the application of Sananga, with some users reporting improved vision and visual acuity.
Group Sananga Offering
Inner Child Healing Shamanic Journey - a date night with your inner child usually held once a month.
Includes, 1-2 hours of space holding and guardianship, sacred medicines; Sananga, Rapé, reiki, and water.